14th was my birthday.

14th of this month was my 31st birthday.
Time really flies, you know. I can't believe I am 31 now.
Anyway, Gori's mum's birthday is 15th, so this year we had a joint birthday party on the 15th at Gori's parents house. In the beginning we were planing to celebrate this occasion at a nearby restaurant. They serve pretty good food. But When Gori's mum rang them up to book a table, they said they are closed on the 15th. And then we decided to have a party at the house. Gori's mum said that she was going to invite some of her friends too and there would be about 10 people at the party. I wanted to make something for the party so I decided to make rolled sushi. Gori's sister and her partner love this and I always make sushi for them when they come over. Once there was a time when they came over with such a short notice so I didn't have enough time to make it, you know, you need plenty of time to make sushi from scratch. They were very disappointed about it. Anyway, at the party Gori's sis was enjoying my sushi ( unfortunately her partner couldn't make it) She gave me some present and a card (she is very sweet) and on the card, it read ' I love your sushi!!' Oh thank you! I was very happy to get that comment.

Well, Let's get back to the party. I was expecting 10 people but it turned out to be 15 people there. I didn't know any of the guests but they were very nice and most of them were interested in Japan and one of the couples love Japan, and they have been to Japan some times. I talked to the husband and he was so excited about Japan and he said he loved Japanese structure and neatness. He likes the Japanese people's attitude toward elderly and someone who lives in higher level in the society. He mentioned about bowing and polite language. I wanted to tell him that that kind of custom who show respect to other people is fading away but I didn't want to upset him so I kept it inside. We also talked about sushi and he told me that he himself make sushi at home but it doesn't turn out good. He said especially cooking rice is difficult because he hasn't got a rice cooker. I can relate to that because I don't have one either. I failed some times in the beginning too. It's OK with me now because I did a lot of research on cooking rice in a pot and got the hang of it. While he was eating my sushi, he came up with an idea, which is that we will have a sushi class and I will be a sushi teacher and teach him and other his friends who are interested in sushi. He was extremely keen on it so I was taken aback a bit but I have taught how to make sushi to one of Gori's mates so I said OK. I am looking forward to it.

Gori and I bought a wine and Andre Rieu CD. I am glad she liked them. Gori's parent's gave' a The Bold and The Beaustiful 20th years anniversary book'!! Do you know 'The Bold and The Beautiful? It's an American soap opera and Gori's mum loves it. I sometimes watch it too. When I started watching it, the relationships between the characters were sooooo complicated, especially who has been married whom and who is his/her mother that I was very confused! But now I am getting used to it. I really like that book. It's really interesting. I want to use it to study English too.

They also gave a cheque of 200 dollar!! I was surprised to see that! They are always supporting Gori and me, and I feel very indebted to them. Thank you very much!

Now that I've turned 31, I should make a this years resolution, shouldn't I?
It's very similar to the ones I make on the new year day but what 's the heck.

・I will improve my English. (diary, reading, increase vocabulary)
・I will lose weight and become fit!!
・Don't worry too much, Always be happy and optimistic.

Thank you for reading!

*This article is not corrected yet.


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