Soften up your neck and shoulders and feel better.

As I've said a few times I've been feeling tired recently. When I am feeling tired, I feel frustrated because even though there is something I want to do and my spirit is up for it, my body is just not keeping up with it ( sigh).. Anyway I've found out that why I am so tired; my neck and shoulders were very stiff! After I noticed I've noticed )it, I gave my original rub to those muscles to soften them up, and guess what!? I feel much better now! I was feeling very sluggish and was even thinking about going back to bed to have another sleep but now look what I am doing! I am blogging! My neck and shoulders have been loosen up and my head is not hazy but very clear. I've gained back my drive for English study too!

Stiff neck and shoulders are the norm in the modern society. Almost all the people have them or have experienced them. And there is also a case where some people don't notice that they have them. Well, I was one of them, actually. I'd never thought I had stiff shoulders until just recently. I'd never felt any stiffness or pain in my shoulders. When I went to my hairstylist back in Japan, they always gave me some massage around my shoulders and neck. The staff who was rubbing my shoulders always said, 'Wow! your shoulders are very stiff! 'but I didn't believe it. It seems like it runs in the family because my mum, brother and sister are the same as me(^^;) How insensitive is that!

There is a special way of rubbing your muscle. Actually, it is not ' rubbing'. It is more like moving a part of hard muscle and soften up. Here is what I do.

*Softening up your shoulders*

1,Find a stiff muscle in your shoulders by pressing the muscles by a finger.

2,Press a finger tip on the hard muscle and keep it that way. eg. if the hard part is on
the (×your )right side of your shoulders, press this (×the )part with a finger of your left hand.

3,Put your right hand onto your waist with your elbow bent.

4,Move your right shoulder slowly back and forward by using the elbow as lever. When you do this, you have to KEEP THE FINGER TIP PRESSING THE HARD PART OF THE MUSCLE. You are supposed to feel some movement of the hard part, which is crucial for loosening up the muscle.

5,Continue 1-4 until all the muscles in your shoulders have softened up.

*Softening up your neck*
1,Find a stiff muscle in the back of your neck by pressing the muscles by a finger.

2,Press a finger tip on the hard muscle and keep it that way. eg. this time if the hard part is on
the (×your )right side of your neck, press this (×the )part with a finger of your right hand.

3,Move your neck back and forth slowly with your finger pressing the hard part.

*Start 1-3 at the bottom of your neck which is connected to the shoulders and gradually move upward until you get to the base of the skull.

I hope you feel better.

*This article has been corrected by Gori.


saani said...

It was nice taking to you, waiwai! Your original massage was really helpful! I hope your fatigue will gone soon. It may be the hot weather, but don't take too much cold drinks. Try to drink lukewarm water or hot ginger tea with honey. Take care! Good night.

YUKI said...

Hi saani, thanks for your comment.
It was good to talk to you too. It is always fun to talk to you.
I am glad the massage worked for you.^^
Thank you for caring about me. I'll be fine soon.

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