Mum is coming soon.

Hi everyone, how are you going?
I was very tired today but I am feeling better now.

Today Gori and I went to town to pick up some groceries and other stuff we needed. It was pretty hot today. I felt extremely tired when I got back home and I didn't want to do anything after that. I even felt grumpy and I might have taken my anger out on Gori. (Sorry)I wondered why I was feeling like that. At first I thought I was simply very tired because I had been flat out recently about tidying up the house. I was pretty stressed out. I'd done a lot but still there were some more things to be done and I was kind of overwhelmed by them. I didn't feel well and I thought a nap might help me so I had a lie down for a while. But even after the nap, I felt still not right. I felt thirsty and my head was a bit hazy. Now I think that the Sun got me in the car on the way back home and made me feel unwell and grumpy. I must have been wearing too much clothes. Anyway I feel much better now.

Gori was very helpful today. He cleaned the barbie, his hobby space and the patio. The hobby space is now sparklingly clean! I have never seen such a clean hobby room before! His help took a load off my mind. Mums( Mum, her friend and her daughter) are coming next Sunday and going back to Japan on the 23rd. It is going to be a very very short visit(^^;) I really wish they could stay longer. They wanted to change the schedule
but it's too late to change it. They could have stayed another 3 days longer... Anyway, I hope they enjoy their stay in Australia. I am looking forward to seeing them face to face.


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