Hey chooks! Behave yourself! & My favourite pasta

Morning everyone, how are you going? 

Gori and I have got a veggie garden in the backyard and we also have some veggie pots in the front garden. Gori made these pots from crates ( What a handy man he is!) We grow basil, rocket and spring onion in the pots. They were thriving until about 3 weeks ago but now almost all the leaves are gone (especially rocket) because our chooks pecked and ate them all!

We've got a chook pen which Gori made from scratch last May. The chooks are in the pen in the morning and evening and we let them out for a few hours in the afternoon as play time.  The chooks love to be freed. As soon as we let them out, they make a bee line for Ambi's dog house and start eating Ambi's leftover dog food! Ambi try to guard her food but she always fights a losing game. We usually put fences around the pots but our cunning chooks always find a way to the pots and enjoy the veggies there without our knowledge (^^;) Now the veggies look very shabby and that discourages me to take care of them(^^:)

Anyway we need to grow some new seeds and replant new seedlings there.  I think the place where we have the pot now gets too much sun so veggies get dehydrated very quickly.We gotta think about relocating  the pots as wall. I have never grown veggies before so I don't know what I am doing but I will learn the hang of it soon as the time goes by, will I?

I made basil source with our fresh basil, walnuts, garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. I made a basil cream source pasta with it and it turned out very well! I loved it! It reminded me of my favourite pasta that I ate in a Italian restaurant in Japan!! It was sooo good that I ate the same pasta 3 days in a row!! ( Crazy??) But unfortunately, Gori didn't share the same opinion with me(><) He said he prefers normal cream source pasta. I can't believe it!

↓↓I made this with bacon, sausages, onion, shitake mushrooms and thickened cream.


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