I had a TERRIBLE backache again. (No.2)
Well when I was walking with the dogs on the usual route, there was a calf ahead of us. Mick( the puppy) is still very curious about calves and cows and he can't help following them or barking at them. So Mick was kind of going toward the calf and I was walking with Ambi along the barbed wired fence. We were about a few meters away from him. Then suddenly a cow behind the fence saw Mick getting closer to the calf, she went (×got )berserk screaming at Mick. Ambi sensed a danger and she started to bark at the cow and so did Mick. The cow got sooo mad that she pushed through the fence and came very close to us!! I didn't know what was going on at first, all I could think was I might be in a little bit of a dangerous situation. Obviously the cow was very angry at something! I tried to soothe the dogs but they were both out of control. Luckily Gori heard the dogs intense barking and he screamed at me and told me to run away from the cow. So I did, I ran! I was scared so I ran for about 20 meters totally forgetting about the backache! After I ran, I looked back at the cow, she was with the calf. The cow was the calves mum! She got very angry because she thought her calf was in danger so she tried to protect him. I didn't know cows have got such strong affections towards their calves!
Anyway, as you might guess very easily, my backache got worse after the incident (^^;) Even the foot bath didn't work. On the contrary, it made the pain worse. I think I might have strained my back when I ran. I couldn't stand or walk . I could lie down but that's all I could do for the past few days. Now it is getting better, thank goodness. I can walk pretty normally. I do have some pain when I am sitting but it is nothing compared to the torturous pain that I had 2 days ago, which made me feel extremely depressed.
Anyway, I've learned a very useful lesson this time.
I won't do any walking to vent my bad emotions from now on!!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I had a TERRIBLE backache again. (no1)
What happen to me was...I got carried away walking on the treadmill out of anger and frustration!! The direct reason for these unfavourable emotions was share trading. I missed out the best chance to sell the shares I had at the highest price. At the time I was very upset but in hindsight, I made at least some profit and the price of the stock dropped down afterward so given that, I did pretty well. I should have been satisfied, not frustrated.
I think that trading was only one of the reasons why I lost my cool. Things have been pretty tough recently. We haven't got rain so we had to order another half tank of water, Gori's work is not doing very well ( He has not worked as often as he used to be. He works as a substitute teacher), And on top of that another school holiday, which lasts for 2 months is coming up very soon. We were expecting that Gori would work in Gori's sisters dairy farm during the holiday to earn some money but again her farm is also very short of rain so we are not sure if he will be able to work there. Well we are planning to go back to Japan next March so we DO need to make money! And my back had been a bit stiff and weird and my period is coming soon so yeah I have to admit that I have been pretty stressed out(^^;)
Usually when I am stressed out, I tend to reach for some sweets like chocolate. But this time I was different. I had been doing very well walking and getting slimmer so I didn't ruin my hard work by binging! So instead I decided to let my steam out by walking. Well I did too much. I walked more than 50 minutes at the highest speed I had ever tried! I was OK right after the walk but soon my back started to toughen up but I didn't worry about it. I just thought maybe I walked a bit too much. I know how (×a )backache happens, which is when(× means) muscle around the back hardens (× gets hardened) up and that causes (× a)pain. So if you soften up the muscle, you will be fine. So I thought I needed to walk a little more so I went for a walk with my dogs, which was a bad decision and made things worse(^^;)
( This story continues to NO.2)
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Bug story
Speaking of beetles, back in Japan, when I was working as an English language tutor, there were a lot of times when I came across beetles and stag beetles. You know, kids love those kinds of bugs and some of them were very nice enough to show me their precious favourite pets, which were not favourable creature to me(^^;) I really don't like their shiny backs! (><) I also remember when I was teaching some kid at her house, I needed to go to the loo so I asked her mum if I could use their bathroom. That was my first time to use their bathroom. She said yes but her face was a bit clouded, I felt something weird about her but I didn't care and went to the toilet. When I opened the toilet door, there were tons of small containers piled very neatly all over the wall behind the toilet bowl from the top to the bottom! I had never seen anything like that in a toilet! I was totally speechless. I didn't know what they were at first but after I had a good look at them, they turned out to be breeding boxes of beetles and stag beetles! It was a really strange view in the toilet. As soon as I got out of the toilet with a very confused face, the mum came close to me and said,' Are you OK? You must be shocked to see those breeding boxes. We are sorry to make you feel that way but this is one of my husbands hobbies. He breeds beetles and stag beetles in there and sells them when they grow big and he says the toilet is the best place to breed temperature wise(×temperaturewise). ' ' Oh OK. 'I answered. But I was pretty convinced because I had talked her husband previously and yeah, he WAS a very interesting person.
Have I seen a beetle here in Australia? Yes, once. There are lots of bugs around here for example, moths, many kinds of bees, stinkbugs, a lot of flies and more, and of course cockroaches! When I was still in Japan, I heard that roaches in Australia were huge! (><) I have seen some roaches in my house but they were tiny ones. But I have seen a BIG one in Gori's parents house! That was big! It was between 8 to 10 cm long! I can swat and kill small bugs but I don't think I can kill those kinds of huge bugs! It might attack me back, who knows!? I don't have a serious problem with roaches ( yet?) but there are some bugs that troubles me... ANTS!!! They are everywhere, in the kitchen sink, on the cooktop, on the flour where dry dog food bag and wherever food crumble exists. I can understand if they are only crawling with somewhere food exist. But Why are they running around on my keyboard? Why are they having good time in dirty laundry? I have used surface sprays and other products to get rid of them but they only work for a day or two and guess what! In no time ants are coming back to say hello to me!! I think the best way is to keep the house sparklingly clean... but... well...I am a lazybones. I have more interesting stuff to do. I guess I will just have to live with them, won't I ?? ( A big sigh^^;)
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I want to start to do pilates.
My body is getting thinner and fitter but walking is a cardio exercise so I need to build up muscle so that my body burns more energy. I need to do some muscle training but that sort of training is pretty boring. And my back is still not 100 % recovered yet so I have a little bit of reservations about doing it. But ,, hang on! That brought me some memory when I was doing pilates on a regular basis back in Japan. I did feel that my back felt better after I did pilates.( at that time I didn't have any (×a)backache.) As you may know, pilates was devised by a doctor to heal injured soldiers . And backache was one of their symptoms. So basically it should be good for my back as well. I am toying with the idea of starting pilates again tonight. Well, what should I do? Maybe I could start with very simple easy exercise only for a short time. Yeah, that's it! I will do it!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
5th year anniversary of our relationship
Today is our 5th year anniversary. I can't believe five years have already passed since Gori and I started our relationship. Time really flies.
I am really blessed that I am being with him. We've been through a lot together for the last five years. Especially when I had a panic disorder, I had a very hard time dealing with it and so did Gori, I think. I have to admit I suffered (×from) an emotional roller coaster almost every day back then and there were lot of times when I took my anger (×angers)and fears out on him. But he never gave up on me and our relationship. He was always there and supportive. And even now he still stays like that, which I am the most grateful about.
He has much (×many) goodness in him. He is hardworking, considerate, funny, smart, charming, caring, energetic, strong, calm in an (×at) emergency, optimistic, and helpful. And there is another one as well, that is,, he never gives up on anything! He is so patient! There is (×are) a lot to learn from him. I've been with him for such a long time and thanks to him, I have changed for the better and now I am living in Australia! I wonder if there is anything that he can learn from me to improve himself. He does have some shortcomings too but you know, no one is perfect. And those shortcomings are nothing compared with those wonderful qualities of him. Anyway I have more serious flaws ..(^^;) so I am not in the place to pick on him about them.
We haven't got anything special to do today other than eating out for dinner. We are going to a restaurant in town, which Gori said served very good food the last time he went there. We haven't eaten out for a while so I am looking forward to it.^^
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
It's hot but I love it!
It's really hot but as I said before, I really prefer Aussie summer to Japanese one. It's so dry, not muggy at all( at least to me)! After we had very heavy rain, the air gets a little humid but it doesn't happen very often. Maybe I feel like this because I am Japanese, who have to live with the unbelievably hot and humid summer. I am pretty much immune (×immuned)to humidity. Because Gori and his mum and dad sometimes whinge like' Oh it's muggy today!' or something. Every time they say something along those lines, I think in my mind that you can't survive Japanese summer if you are whinging about this much humidity, which is nothing compared to the one in Japanese summer! Having said that, after I had a panic disorder, it seems like my resistance against humidity has decreased a lot and it was pretty hard for me to live in the last summer in Japan. I got easily cranky and upset because of the humidity.
The other thing That I love about Aussie summer is that the temperature (×gets )cools down when it gets dark. I am not sure if this holds true for (×to) the rest of Australia but I have never experienced Nettai ya ( sweltering nights), can cause tortured (×torturing) sleepless nights. We do have a ceiling fan in our bedroom and of course we use it in summer but we have never used the aircon when we sleep at night, which is great!
We haven't had a lot of rain, which can be a big problem but other than that, I love Aussie weather, which is milder both in summer and winter than Japanese counterparts.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
The 4 th skype session was held
I am doing alright. My back is still a bit sore but I am coping with it. This morning my leg was sore too, I wondered why.. I think that's because I didn't walk yesterday. My back has been sore so I thought skipping one walking routine or two might be good for my back since it would get some rest but it seems like it worked the other way round(^^;)
Yesterday was the day when the 4th English Skype session with my usual friends from the online English club was held. In the last session, we decided to have a discussion day and non-discussion day alternately from that day on so yesterday was the first non-discussion day.We started with catching up on news of each one of us, which took us more than 40 minutes. Considering that there were three members attended, which was not so many, we might have spent too much time on it. We might want to make some rules about it ( I wonder). Anyway, after that, one of the members gave a performance of ondoku( reading English out loud), which was very good. I couldn't believe that she just started her Ondoku practice with the English material a few days ago! She is so pumped and very keen on it so I bet she will be very fluent at it in no time! Good on her! After her performance, the other member had a question about ondoku and shadowing so we talked about it. Seems like she is up for it as well. We agreed (×on )that all of us would give an ondoku presentation next time. I wonder which material I will read,, maybe an Aussie news item or something?
Next, we played a game called 'Making up stories'. We took turns making one or two English sentences one after another and created one story. We created a very strange story, which involved the police and a private detective but it was a lot of fun. I am looking forward to the next time.
After the game, we had a little talk about future sessions in Japanese.We confirmed the contents of the next session. There was something I had had in mind for a while about the other member's attitudes toward planning sessions and other stuff. I was kind of doing almost every work about sessions by myself,,which was a bit of hard work. I have much more free time than the others so I am handling it at the moment but things can change. I am getting more serious about share trading, which requires lots of study and research. So to be honest, I thought I would be very grateful if I could some help from other members so that I can put more energy and time on the trading. I didn't know if I should tell them or not because this is kind of a complaint or even criticism. But I didn't want to stress about it any more and I believe that all the members are very nice people so I thought that I should open up and get some help. I got up the nerve and told them. I was worried about their reaction at first but now I am glad that I did it.Thankfully, they understood me and reassured me that they would be more cooperative from now on. I am relieved and also I feel that we have one step come closer to each other, which feels good!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Storm.. storm.. here it comes.
Well, as the weather forecast had predicted, a storm came to our area this afternoon. This was something we'd been waiting for a long time so I was sooooo excited about it. I checked the radar loop on the website of the Bureau's Meteorology so many times to confirm the movement of the storm. There was a pretty big thunderstorm formed on the radar and it was coming straight towards where we live. I went outside to see the sky and I saw some dark clouds in the distance, which I was thrilled about (×made me feel thrilled).
The storm was severe, yes, it sure was.
It didn't rain much!!!
It was the thunder that was very severe, but it didnt rain much!!
We were expecting it to be bucketing down (×bucketing-down) but it was nowhere near it. I was soooo gutted.
We saw countless number of lightnings up from here. Gori got so excited about it so he took some photos of it. It must have been very noisy from rumbling but I had my ear plugs on so I don't really know about it. It's been raining lightly since the heaviest part of the storm passed through.
There was a little nice surprise happened unexpectedly. Usually when a storm hits us, our internet gets cut off and it takes many hours to get it back on. Guess what I am doing now? I am blogging, aren't I! I am using the Internet! The internet was not disconnected this time in spite of that severe storm. Good on you, Skymesh ( our internet provider)! Keep up your good work!

↑It's cool, isn't it??
*For your information, I wrote this article last night.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
It's hot... very hot today.
When the temperature goes up, there is high possibility that a thunder storm forms in the late afternoon. It's been hot so we are expecting it to happen but so far there is no sign of it (^^;). The weather forecast said it'll thunder this afternoon so let's see what will happen. We desperately need rain. Oh God, please give us rain, a lot of lot of rain!
By the way, I've watered the back garden for two days. The trees and plants are looking much better! I will keep watering them until we get some rain.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Walking gives me a lot.
I am doing well. My back was pretty sore for the past several days but thankfully it's getting better and better. I found out the reason why I got a relapse. Seems like Gori unconsciously changed the height of my chair when he was using my PC and forgot to put it back to the height that it had orginally been. I didn't know anything about it so I kept sitting on it. I was dull enough not to notice the difference (^^;) Anyway I am very relived to know the cause. At least I know that my walking routine had nothing to do with it. What a relief.
Speaking of walking, I walked for 40 minutes on the treadmill today! This is the longest record so far so I am so stoked and proud of myself. I have been walking for almost 2 months now and the distance I have walked has increased(×The distance I walk for is increasing) day by day. I also walk with my dogs in the afternoon before dark too. We usually walk on the driveway in Gori's mum and dad's property, which includes some relatively steep slopes. When I started this walk, just 10 minute walk made me feel out of breath but now I can walk for about 30 minutes. I am making a progress. aren't I?
When I walk, I try to soften up my back as well. This technique is very similar to the one I showed you in my previous blog, which targeted the neck and shoulders. I press the hard part of my back with my fingers and keep it that way and walk normally for about 30 seconds. I've been doing this for a while and now I know the stiffness trigger point of my back, which is the bottom of the ribs and the muscle where the backbone and the ribs meet. Every time I do this muscle softening up technique, I can tell that the back really softens up. It feels much lighter, which gives me more motivation for walking. So in my case, walking is good not only for being fit but also for my back! I am thrilled!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
They are dying!
As you may know, Gori and I are living in his mum and dad's cottage. They were living here while they were building their current ( huge! )house. Gori's mum has a very nice taste in decorating houses and she also has a green thumb. She says she is not good at growing veggies but I DO know that she has a great sense in creating pretty flower gardens. We have a front garden and back garden at the cottage. There is not much going on in the front garden at the moment ( I planted some herbs in Gori's hand-made pots but I let the watering slide (×watering them) so now they are almost dead(^^;) On the other hand, we have (should l say 'had'?) a very nice back garden, which Gori's mum made. When I saw them for the first time, I realised her great sense. That's because you can see beautiful flowers from inside the house through the kitchen window! She is clever, I thought. I like it because sometimes working in a kitchen is a monotonous and uninteresting job but every time I look up, I can see pretty flowers thriving in the garden, which makes me feel happy and encourage me to do the kitchen work. Gori's mum is so smart that she chose all-year-around trees and flowers and they are very strong against dry weather.

↑It looked very nice, didn't it?
But now........

Look at the photos! They are dying! It's been sooooo dry since we haven't had rain for such a long time! Dryness is so severe that all the plants have started to wither. I didn't notice their shocking condition until I went to the garden to pick some lime leaves for cooking thai curry yesterday. Well to be honest, I have(×had) not been paying attention to the garden for a while because it'd been pretty hot so I have (×had) kept closing the curtains of the kitchen windows(^^;) As soon as I saw what's going on in the garden, I decided to do something about it. We don't have a lot of tank water at the moment( actually we'll have to order water again very soon unless we have heavy rain in week or so.) but fortunately we have bore water(spring water), so this morning I hosed each of the trees and plants one by one and it took me almost an hour to finish. You might think we should use the bore water for living but when Gori's mum and dad tested the water, they found out that it contained high level of some harmful minerals in it so we had better not use it just to be on the safe side. But a few days ago when I was talking with Gori's mum, she said that when they tested the water, they didn't test the water straight from the well, instead they used water coming from the water pump. So she said that there could be possibility that the minerals came from the rusty pipe so she is going to test the raw bore water next time. I really hope her theory is right then we don't have to worry about water any more. Fingers crossed!
It is very hot today too. So I guess all the water I gave to the garden this morning has already dried out. I am going to water it later this afternoon.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I had my second haircut in Aus.
I rang up the beauty salon to book a haircut with my hairdresser who cut my hair last time. But unfortunately, she was not in today so I could have booked with her some other time but I was itching to have a haircut so I just booked with any hairdresser available when I popped in. I had reservations about how my new hairdresser would cut my hair but it actually worked favourably (×favourable) for me. My new hairdresser was male and he said he loved cutting Asian hair because it was tough and strong. He said so, many time while he was working on my hair. We had a nice chat and my hair looks even better than the last cut. I like it a lot. But there was also a little surprise. That is,,,,he straightened out my hair with a hair straightener BEFORE he started to cut my hair! Usually, you get that sort of thing AFTER you get a hair cut so I was a bit worried. My hair still looks good but I am not sure how it will look after I wash my hair next time... I really hope it still looks good.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Hey fever??& Oh my back!!
My back is a bit sore again too. When I felt (×got )it again I was(×felt) devastated.. Because the first thing that came to my mind about what caused it was my walking routine. But I also thought 'why now??' And then I looked back those past few days and I thought I got it because my posture was bad when I was sitting on a chair. I was so into share trading that I didn't care less about my back when I was sitting in front of my PC. Anyway it feels better this morning. From now on, I should be more careful when I sit, especially when I am doing the share trading.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
my opinions about Japanese Eng;lish education ( No.2)
(Do you agree with having English classes in primary schools?)
I agree with the idea that a language should be taught when a learner is younger. Obviously, the younger is the better when it comes to learning a language, especially in terms of pronunciation. So I think teaching English in primary schools is a good idea. Having said that, it’s totally up to the teachers, teaching methods and materials to decide whether this attempt is going to be successful or be another depressing disaster.
(Do you think Japanese people's English ability will improve by starting English education in elementary schools?)
As I mentioned above, it completely depends on how the teachers teach and what kind of teaching materials to be used. If they can teach properly, I am certain that pupils learn English and be communicative in English. But it is just a start, it shouldn’t be stopped at the elementary school level. It has to be continued onto middle school and high school too. I think there are some changes should be made in higher English education systems too, such as shifting the entrance examination for university or college to less grammar and reading based and more communication-based one so that there will be more listening and speaking classes in the middle and high school.
What kind of problems are there in the current English education at primary schools? How can we solve the problems?
I think there are many problems in the current education systems in elementary schools. The biggest problem among them is the teacher’s poor English language and teaching skills.
It is no wonder that elementary school teachers are worried about English classes because not only they themselves can’t speaking English and but also they have no ideas about teaching English. I think most of the teachers have forgotten about English itself since they were not required to study English to become an elementary school teacher. Honestly, we shouldn’t rely on those teachers who are not confident in their English and teaching skills. How can you teach properly when you are not sure about what you are doing? I have to admit that present Japanese elementary school teachers are striving to do their best and giving as good lessons as they can. But I still think that is not good enough. Local municipalities and schools are trying to support the teachers by giving intensive English courses where teachers can learn teaching skills and lesson plans and speaking sessions with native speakers. However, the most important thing is the teacher’s English skills. If they are going to teach English as a main teacher, their English has to be very fluent. As an English language learner, I have to say that it takes years to become fluent in a language. Anyway present elementary school teachers are already having a lot on their plates so I don’t think they should teach English.
I think the education ministry should give up on forcing current elementary school teachers to teach English to pupils. Native English teachers should teach English as a main teacher and as a support teacher, the education ministry should consider hiring Japanese professional teachers of English language education. There is a non-profit institution called J-shine and they train and accredit private English instructors so that they have enough ability to teach English in elementary schools. More and more private English instructors are acquiring the certificate and they are waiting to work in schools.
I am not saying that we should do as I’ve suggested forever. We should introduce this teaching system as a temporary solution and at the same time we should train prospective teachers in universities. University students have more time to learn English and teaching skills so they can be fluent in the language and more capable of teaching English.
Lastly, I find it disgusting to know the attitude of the education ministry. I have to say that they are not serious about the English education in elementary schools. I think like this because they don’t provide detailed curriculum or teaching methods to teachers. They devised this textbook called EIGO NOTE but they said that basically teachers can do anything in their English classes, which can create a big difference among pupils’ English abilities when they enter junior high school. I have to say that the ministry has introduced this English education in elementary schools just because other Asian countries are doing it. I think it is quite superficial and it won’t change anything until people in the ministry change their attitudes.
my opinions about Japanese Eng;lish education ( No.1)
第3回テーマ 日本の英語教育
(How come Japanese People are very bad at speaking in English even though we learn it for at least 6 years at school? )
・ Lack of motivation and definite reasons for learning English because English is not so important in Japanese society. People’s lives and careers don’t rely on English skills.
・ People have forgotten that English is a language and a means of communication. English is considered just as a school subject and students are studying English just to pass exams which stress grammar and reading. Hence Japanese English education is based on grammar and translation-based learning, not listening and speaking.
・ Teachers themselves have been taught in the old-style grammar and reading-based teaching method and they can’t speak English fluently. They don’t have a clue about how to teach kids to improve their listening and speaking skills. And poor English listening and speaking ability in teachers creates nothing better in students.
・ English is not spoken in English classes to give commands and instructions to students. Mainly Japanese is used in classes.
・ English textbooks are full of explanations and instructions in Japanese not in English.
・ The full potential of native English teachers is not being utilized during English classes. They are just used to practise English words and sentences over and over again like a parrot.
(What could be done to improve Japanese people's English communication ability?
I have come up with three ideas to improve Japanese people's English skills ( especially for students).
・Creating a new style of teaching.
Making the most of native English teachers and let him/her teach English alone for one period and then Japanese teachers review the class and teach grammar in the next period. In this case, Japanese teachers are not supposed to speak during the native teacher’s session so that the students can concentrate on English the native teacher is saying.
・ Motivating students by creating an oral communication test and making it requirement for the exam.
Currently students are studying English for entrance examinations of university or college which put emphasis on reading and grammar. This is the main reason why grammar and reading are mainly taught in schools. I think it is very difficult to give a speaking test for each examinee because of time constraints. So instead, we should create a new oral communication test like Eiken( but the new test targets listening and speaking skills) and require students to have a high score of the test before they apply for the exams. Then students have a reason to improve their listening and speaking skills. We should also make writing and reading test easier so that students can have more listening and speaking classes.
・Creating an English only TV channel ( especially for children)
People watch TV every day. If there is a TV channel that broadcasts nothing but English programs ( mainly children’s shows), available every day, it could be a very good opportunity for children to become familiar with the language and learn a lot from it.
My Japanese friend's visit
Gori looked pretty happy since he got to speak Japanese. I had assumed that his Japanese would be very rusty since we don't usually speak Japanese at home. But he was not that bad at all. I think we should talk in Japanese more often but my Japanese is terrible and I have strong Saga dialects. Since Gori has basically learned standard Japanese, it's difficult for me to teach him... because I don't speak standard Japanese! (^^;) Gori sometimes asks me some questions.. like what a Japanese word or sentence which has equivalent meaning of a particular English counterpart is. And there are lot of times when I can't answer them straight away! It's quite frustrating and a bit sad... you know. I can tell that my Japanese skills are deteriorating. I really need to brush up my Japanese too. But I still want to put English first.
Well, getting back to my friend's visit, after we had a chat, we played a monopoly. Monopoly is a board game where you buy properties as you move on the board and if someone lands your property, you can collect rent from them and buy more property or buy houses on your property.. something like that. You can negotiate and trade properties with other players and if you are short of money, you can mortgage your property or sell your houses. The winner is decided when everyone but one person goes bankrupt. This is a board game, so basically it is luck that decides if you do well or not but having said that, strategy is also important. Decison, decison, decison,, you know.
My friend loved this game and we played twice! It takes at least 2 hours to play this game when we were very close to finish the second game, I was very tired and was running out of concentration. Anyway I won the first game and Gori won the second one. We had a very good time together and I am already looking forward the next time!
*This article has not been corrected yet.
Soften up your neck and shoulders and feel better.
Stiff neck and shoulders are the norm in the modern society. Almost all the people have them or have experienced them. And there is also a case where some people don't notice that they have them. Well, I was one of them, actually. I'd never thought I had stiff shoulders until just recently. I'd never felt any stiffness or pain in my shoulders. When I went to my hairstylist back in Japan, they always gave me some massage around my shoulders and neck. The staff who was rubbing my shoulders always said, 'Wow! your shoulders are very stiff! 'but I didn't believe it. It seems like it runs in the family because my mum, brother and sister are the same as me(^^;) How insensitive is that!
There is a special way of rubbing your muscle. Actually, it is not ' rubbing'. It is more like moving a part of hard muscle and soften up. Here is what I do.
*Softening up your shoulders*
1,Find a stiff muscle in your shoulders by pressing the muscles by a finger.
2,Press a finger tip on the hard muscle and keep it that way. eg. if the hard part is on the (×your )right side of your shoulders, press this (×the )part with a finger of your left hand.
3,Put your right hand onto your waist with your elbow bent.
4,Move your right shoulder slowly back and forward by using the elbow as lever. When you do this, you have to KEEP THE FINGER TIP PRESSING THE HARD PART OF THE MUSCLE. You are supposed to feel some movement of the hard part, which is crucial for loosening up the muscle.
5,Continue 1-4 until all the muscles in your shoulders have softened up.
*Softening up your neck*
1,Find a stiff muscle in the back of your neck by pressing the muscles by a finger.
2,Press a finger tip on the hard muscle and keep it that way. eg. this time if the hard part is on the (×your )right side of your neck, press this (×the )part with a finger of your right hand.
3,Move your neck back and forth slowly with your finger pressing the hard part.
*Start 1-3 at the bottom of your neck which is connected to the shoulders and gradually move upward until you get to the base of the skull.
I hope you feel better.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I like the study for discussion sessions!
Yesterday afternoon, another Skype English session was held. There were supposed to be three members joining the session but one of us got sick and had to cancel it (><) I feel very sorry for her because she was very motivated for the session so obviously she was looking forward to it.
We started the session with a small talk in Japanese then moved on the discussion. Yesterday's theme was ' Japanese English education system' . Since I had been interested in the topic and had plenty of time to prepare for it, I was able to come up with my ideas and opinions thoroughly . When I do some study for a discussion session, I always pick up some articles from some websites which are relevant to the topic and learn the background and current situation about it. Then I print out the articles and paste each of them onto a page of a notebook. After that, I wrote down new words and expressions from the articles. I read the articles and words out loud over and over again. After I finish it, I get to form my opinions. I really like this learning process because it is very educational and fun! I feel that I am really studying! It feels as if the time has (×had) gone back to the school days. The more I study, the more I can tell my knowledge is increasing and I am becoming more knowledgeable(×smarter)!
I had a very good time at the session yesterday. We had a lively discussion there! I am going to attend another session of the same topic on Saturday. We are expecting a new member there, which is very exciting!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Tough luck, dogs! & Melbroune Cup
They must have rolled onto a dead cow again!! ( We live in a cattle farm so there are lots of cattle. Unfortunately some of them can't survive because of a disease or tick problems ><) We gave Ambi and Mick a bath just 3 days ago before Mick's castration. They smelt beautiful after that but now.... absolutely pong ( ×pongy)!! I don't want to give them a bath again! It's a kind of pain in the neck, you know..
Yesterday Gori and I went to his mum and dad's house to have a Melbourne Cup lunch with their friends. Melbourne Cup is an Australia's traditional horse race held in Melbourne. It takes place once a year and it is a very important event for Aussies. I read an article about it when I was taking English classes at TAFE and I learned that it is not just a gambling but a part of the Australian culture. People go to see the event especially women get dressed in a very fancy dress and wearing a fashionable hat, which lifts up the festive mood in the event. There are also fashion shows and competition during Melbourne Cup. Usually horse racing is a male thing but this kind of fashion events attracts women's attentions as well. I didn't know anything about horse racing but I picked one horse in the race and bet 10 bucks on it. ( actually, that was Gori's money^^;) My horse was doing well in the beginning but it couldn't keep up the speed. It was a very tight race and all the horses were running very close each other. I don't even know exactly where my horse placed(came in→これもOK), but it was a nice experience and I had a good time.
We wanted to take our dogs to the house as well but since they were so stinky, we thought they could murder someone there( laugh) so we decided not to take them. Soon after they found out that they'd been left behind, they started yelping and whinging so loudly. I felt a bit sorry for them, but we didn't want to ruin the get-together by their pongy smell! So tough luck, doggies!
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I'm very happy but I might need some break
I've been feeling a bit tired recently. My life has been much better because my back is not as sore as before, actually it's much better. I've been walking almost every day for about 5 weeks or so, which makes me feel happy and excited because this is something I couldn't do for a long time. I like doing exercise(×exercises). Exercising is good both physically and mentally. When I had a terrible backache, I tended to get stressed out very easily but now I think I am coping with things better.
Now that I've walked continuously more than a month, walking is becoming a part of my routine. I can tell that I am getting fitter and slimmer, which gives me more confidence about myself. In addition, I am enjoying the activities in the online English club and I am very motivated to study English.
It's been fantastic recently and I am very happy about it. To be honest, it's been quite some time since I felt this happy(×like this much). I feel like I've gone back to being a normal(healthy) person.
Having said that, I have to admit there is also a tiny bit of feeling that I might need some break. Maybe am I doing too much??? I guess I should slow down a bit.
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
Mick is going to become a half-boy
I am a bit sleepy and tired now because I had to get up a bit earlier than usual.
This morning Gori and I took one of our dogs, Mick to a nearby vet to have him castrated. We've been keeping Mick for about 8 months and he is now 10 months old, getting very close to his maturity. We had been considering (×about) when would be the good time to neuter him but we were kind of procrastinating to carry it out. Partly (×that's )because (×that) Gori said he had heard it from someone that if you fix a male dog too soon, the dog becomes a wimp. Mick is already a scaredy-cat ( He is scared of thunder and yelps at a tiny bit of pain or something like that.)We didn't want Mick to be even more wimpish, but the time had come. Actually, we were desperate to do it because our other(×another) dog, Ambi's period started a few days ago! We can't afford another dog so we had to do it very soon.
We had a bit of trouble when we tried to put him in the car. At first Gori was going to drive and I was going to hold Mick in the backseat but it didn't work. Mick got scared of being trapped in a car and tried to do a runner. He was out of control so I couldn't hold him. So we had to change plans and Gori and I swapped the roles. This time it went smoothly, thank goodness. We took him to the vet. The vet checked him out briefly and we decided on his discharge time and came back home. We are going to pick him up around 2 :30 this afternoon. I hope everything is going to be alright.

↑He was tiny and sooo cute when we got him.
10 months later......

↑He is big and strong ! (but a bit of a sissy^^;)
His face has changed a lot, hasn't it?
*This article has been corrected by Gori.
I've joined an online English club
I've been just slack, sooooo slack. I've been keeping my Japanese blog up to date, which is good but this one...(^^;)
Anyway, I've made my goals (or say, to-do-list) for English study for this month.And one of them is to write at least 15 English diaries or articles this month. This time I mean it. I WILL keep this promise! I am on fire!!
Last September, I joined an online English learner's club called Virtual English Club. There are lots of inspiring members who are pretty serious but enjoying their English studies in the club and they always give me a lift and more motivation for my English study.
I took the initiative in holding an English speaking session on Skype, which I had wanted to do for a long time and so far we've had 4 sessions . We have day time sessions and night time sessions and both sessions' contents are basically the same. We are going to have another ones on Wednesday and Saturday. We discuss various kinds of things during a session. We decide a theme and questions(× for a theme) beforehand so that each member can prepare for the discussion. The next discussion theme is Japanese English education which is very controversial and since I myself have been (×gotten) involved in the English education as an English-language tutor, I am pretty interested in it. I am looking forward to the next session.
*This article has been corrected by Gori chan.
Mum's visit
As I had mentioned before, my mum and her friends came over to see me last week. They stayed only 3 nights with me but they said they had a good time. I was so glad to hear that. We didn't do much; we drove around Gympie and went down to Sunshine coast to have a look at the beach (not swim^^;) and went shopping. They really liked our cottage and its surroundings. They also had a good time mucking around with Costa, Ambi and Mick. My mum got very interested in chickens and she said that she wanted to keep some herself too. I had really wanted them to relax here because they had been leading a hectic life in Japan. They were surprised to look at the stars in the sky at night. Sooo many stars! You never see this many stars in Japan.
3 days passed very quickly and we drove back to Brisbane airport on the 23rd. On the way, we were hit by a sand storm but it was not that serious so we guessed there would be no problem with my mum's fight back to Japan. Unfortunately, mum's flight was not a direct one to Narita, so they had to fly to Sydney and take an international fight to Narita from there. I did'n t know how bad the sand storm had been in Sydney until Gori and I got back home. I got shocked to see a picture of Sydney of that morning, it was all orange! I got a bad premonition at the time, and I was right.. I got a phone call from mum around 10 pm and she said their fight to Sydney had delayed about an hour and they couldn't catch the fight to Japan! When they arrived at Sydney airport, the plane had already taken off... I couldn't believe those kind of stuff had happened to us!! I was very worried about them because their English was not that good. After a little bit of commotion at the airport, they got a new fight arranged and booked a hotel to stay that night. They had to stay in Sydney for two nights.
It must have been a very stressing night but mum said she was able to practise her English at the hotel and had a good time. I sensed that she is now more confident about her English. Today I talked to her on Skype and she was more keen on learning English! Good on you, Mum!
I got pretty tired after mums left but I had a good time too. I felt my mum and her friends had become much smaller. Is that because I am used to seeing Aussie?? They are bigger than Japanese, is that the reason??
Mum is coming soon.
I was very tired today but I am feeling better now.
Today Gori and I went to town to pick up some groceries and other stuff we needed. It was pretty hot today. I felt extremely tired when I got back home and I didn't want to do anything after that. I even felt grumpy and I might have taken my anger out on Gori. (Sorry)I wondered why I was feeling like that. At first I thought I was simply very tired because I had been flat out recently about tidying up the house. I was pretty stressed out. I'd done a lot but still there were some more things to be done and I was kind of overwhelmed by them. I didn't feel well and I thought a nap might help me so I had a lie down for a while. But even after the nap, I felt still not right. I felt thirsty and my head was a bit hazy. Now I think that the Sun got me in the car on the way back home and made me feel unwell and grumpy. I must have been wearing too much clothes. Anyway I feel much better now.
Gori was very helpful today. He cleaned the barbie, his hobby space and the patio. The hobby space is now sparklingly clean! I have never seen such a clean hobby room before! His help took a load off my mind. Mums( Mum, her friend and her daughter) are coming next Sunday and going back to Japan on the 23rd. It is going to be a very very short visit(^^;) I really wish they could stay longer. They wanted to change the schedule but it's too late to change it. They could have stayed another 3 days longer... Anyway, I hope they enjoy their stay in Australia. I am looking forward to seeing them face to face.
14th was my birthday.
Time really flies, you know. I can't believe I am 31 now.
Anyway, Gori's mum's birthday is 15th, so this year we had a joint birthday party on the 15th at Gori's parents house. In the beginning we were planing to celebrate this occasion at a nearby restaurant. They serve pretty good food. But When Gori's mum rang them up to book a table, they said they are closed on the 15th. And then we decided to have a party at the house. Gori's mum said that she was going to invite some of her friends too and there would be about 10 people at the party. I wanted to make something for the party so I decided to make rolled sushi. Gori's sister and her partner love this and I always make sushi for them when they come over. Once there was a time when they came over with such a short notice so I didn't have enough time to make it, you know, you need plenty of time to make sushi from scratch. They were very disappointed about it. Anyway, at the party Gori's sis was enjoying my sushi ( unfortunately her partner couldn't make it) She gave me some present and a card (she is very sweet) and on the card, it read ' I love your sushi!!' Oh thank you! I was very happy to get that comment.
Well, Let's get back to the party. I was expecting 10 people but it turned out to be 15 people there. I didn't know any of the guests but they were very nice and most of them were interested in Japan and one of the couples love Japan, and they have been to Japan some times. I talked to the husband and he was so excited about Japan and he said he loved Japanese structure and neatness. He likes the Japanese people's attitude toward elderly and someone who lives in higher level in the society. He mentioned about bowing and polite language. I wanted to tell him that that kind of custom who show respect to other people is fading away but I didn't want to upset him so I kept it inside. We also talked about sushi and he told me that he himself make sushi at home but it doesn't turn out good. He said especially cooking rice is difficult because he hasn't got a rice cooker. I can relate to that because I don't have one either. I failed some times in the beginning too. It's OK with me now because I did a lot of research on cooking rice in a pot and got the hang of it. While he was eating my sushi, he came up with an idea, which is that we will have a sushi class and I will be a sushi teacher and teach him and other his friends who are interested in sushi. He was extremely keen on it so I was taken aback a bit but I have taught how to make sushi to one of Gori's mates so I said OK. I am looking forward to it.
Gori and I bought a wine and Andre Rieu CD. I am glad she liked them. Gori's parent's gave' a The Bold and The Beaustiful 20th years anniversary book'!! Do you know 'The Bold and The Beautiful? It's an American soap opera and Gori's mum loves it. I sometimes watch it too. When I started watching it, the relationships between the characters were sooooo complicated, especially who has been married whom and who is his/her mother that I was very confused! But now I am getting used to it. I really like that book. It's really interesting. I want to use it to study English too.
They also gave a cheque of 200 dollar!! I was surprised to see that! They are always supporting Gori and me, and I feel very indebted to them. Thank you very much!
Now that I've turned 31, I should make a this years resolution, shouldn't I?
It's very similar to the ones I make on the new year day but what 's the heck.
・I will improve my English. (diary, reading, increase vocabulary)
・I will lose weight and become fit!!
・Don't worry too much, Always be happy and optimistic.
Thank you for reading!
*This article is not corrected yet.
hot water problem
Our gas boiler has been acting up recently and that's bugging me a lot(^^;)
I need hot water to do my lovely foot bath and I really need to have a shower every night to loosen up my muscle and relax. The gas boiler is very fickle, some times it works perfectly, other times it just doesn't work at all, which leaves me cold in the bath tub! How stressing is that! It's been getting warmer here in Australia but still it gets pretty chilly at night. And as you may know, my mum and her friends are coming very soon!! We've got to do something about it!! Luckily Gori learned gas-fitting at TAFE and he's been working on it. Last night, he told me that he 'd found what was wrong with it. He is going to fix it this afternoon. I really hope it will be OK. Otherwise it's going to be a little bit of disaster! Mums are coming next Sunday!
Since there was another drama happened again last night, I couldn't have a shower.
My back is a little tight now. Maybe I should have a foot bath this morning.
Thank you for reading!
*This article is not corrected yet.
My back is getting better.
I'm doing well. I haven't written an article for such a long time, that was simply because I was slack, that's it(^^;) I knew in mind that I should keep an English diary to improve my English but I was kind of busy blogging the other blogs and I had a bad cold in July and since then my backache had become worse. But fortunately my back is getting better!(finally!) I've tried everything I could think of to fix my back and some of them worked a bit but none of them fixed my back completely.
My backache comes and goes. I've been having this backache for about 2 years so I could say that I have a chronic problem(×one). Shoulder stiffness and backache are very common among people living in the stressful modern society. They are so common that some people say that you have to take them and live with them because there is no cure for them. Of course there ARE some things(×stuff) for them but they are just temporary pain relief and nothing more than that. What I'm talking about is a fundamentally(×fundametal) complete cure. I wonder if there is a real cure for them.
One of the things I've tried is reading a book. Yes, just reading a book. I came across this book' healing back pain' on someone's blog. I got interested in it so I read the reviews on Amazon(×Amason). Most of them were in favour of the book so I bought one. The book is about that a backache is coming from your mind, and the reason why your mind does that kind of thing is that it is trying to not get you realise your anger and stress. Your mind doesn't want you to notice that you are feeling stressed about something so create pain in your back to distract your attention. His method to fix a backache was that when you have a pain, you shouldn't think about it, if you think, you get trapped and that's exactly what your brain want. You just don't give into the pain because your mind (brain) is just tricking you. You simply think about what kind thing is bothering you in your life now and recognise it and if possible, try to solve it. Just thinking like I WONT LET YOU TRICK ME, MY BRAIN! works pretty well.It gave me a little bit of wow, to be honest. After I read the book, I actually felt that my pain was easing a lot. But as you can guess very easily, it came back later on(^^;)
What I have been doing right now, and I really feel the difference (of course for the better) is having a foot bath. I've been doing it for about a week now, and I can definitely say that my back is getting better, less pain!! The Benefit of foot bath is as you know to warm your body up, which means it makes your blood circulation better. I never thought that my blood circulation was poor because I rarely felt that my hands and feet were cold! But I think I was wrong. My body must have been cold! ! My mum's therapist says that keeping your body warm is really important, coldness causes a lot of harmful symptoms. Now I can understand what he means. It is just having a foot bath for 20 to 30 minutes a day ( I do it at night right before I have a shower and straight go to bed. I think that's the best!) and you can do it while you're watching TV and surfing the Internet. And my way( and I will let you know later) is very easy and economical! I really love having a foot bath!
I recommend it to anyone.
Well, I got a little too excited about foot bath so I need to calm myself down.
I think that one of the biggest problems about having a back pain, especially if it's chronic, is not the actual pain but having a bad feeling of despair, which means that you don't know if your backache is ever going to be get better and fixed or not. Of course you hate the pain because it's sore! I myself have gone through a really tough time! You try everything to get rid of it but none of them gives you exactly what you want. Then you feel that you might have to spend the rest of your life having this backache. Just thinking like that makes you feel stressed and worsen the pain. You even feel depressed if your pain is really bad and serious. This kind of emotion exists in minds of patients who have got a mental illness, such as a depression and some kind of mental disorder. I myself experienced a panic disorder a few years ago. So I know I'm right about it. Everybody needs a hope for the future to live or let's say, to make efforts to live. Luckily I found a hope and a way to get better. I never gave it up and stuck to what I was doing and finally I got over it. Now I feel a hope for my backache too, which makes me feel really happy and gives me the drive to live my life! I feel I've started to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you for reading!
*This article has been corrected by Gori chan.
That's my bad...(^^;)
The sky is pretty dark now.
what a nice feeling!
twist and turn
Review on the movie Shrek
Movie review on Shrek
‘I have never seen such a well-made animation movie before!’ This was the first impression that came to my mind when I watched the movie, Shrek. Everything on the screen was so realistic that I couldn’t even believe my eyes. This movie was released in 2001 and it was awarded an Academy Award of Best animated feature in 2001. Usually animation films are for kids but with this movie, even adults enjoy it very much. It is a very entertaining and compelling movie.
This movie’s main character Shrek is an ugly green ogre (voice of Mike Myers). He lives peacefully all by himself in his swamp. He is frightened and hated by human and he thinks that’s the way it is and he enjoys his lonely isolated life. But one night the quietness gets deprived by fairy tale characters including talkative Donkey (voice of Eddie Murphy), They say they were forced to come to the swamp by the order of Lord Farquaard. So he decides to go to see Farquaard to get his life back, and sets out for a quest with Donkey. He talks to Farquaard and he promises Shrek to give back his swamp in the way it used to be in return for rescuing the Princess Fiona (voice of Cameron Diaz) from the castle guarded by a dreadful dragon. It was an unexpected offer, but Shrek takes it and goes on another quest. After the exciting battle against the dragon, he manages to rescue Fiona. As they spend time together, he finds himself to be attracted to Fiona but he doesn’t know what to do. This could remind us adults of our first love in our childhoods.
Through his journeys Shrek learns to build an indispensable friendship with Donkey and he also realizes that he is not a cruel monster as what he always thought him to be. This scene where Shrek describes ogres as onion because ogres have layers like onion as well could make you feel a bit sympathetic. I think this is a main theme of this movie for viewers, which is ‘ Don’t judge a book by its cover ‘, or’ True beauty is in the inside’ . The more we get to know Shrek, the more we get to find out his true personality, which is very lovable and trustworthy.
This movie Shrek is made up of a lot of humor and funny gags throughout the show, which is very amusing and also its computer animation is awesome. Its music is also spot-on to each scene and very effective. Voice actors pulled off their roles perfectly, especially I admire Eddie’s work. His dubbing makes the character of Donkey even more annoying and more lovable.
Shrek is a pretty short movie, which goes only for one and half hours. The story is more like a comedy than a fairy tale and there are lots of twists and fun. It is such a wonderful movie that I can recommend to anyone.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice weekend!